Task Manager  1.0.0
A modern C++ task management library.
Task Manager Documentation
alt text

TaskManager is an asynchronous task management library using the features of C++14.


A compiler supporting the C++14 features.



Basic Usage


Note: The following examples use chrono literals.

// Create the thread pool with the initial number of threads (2 here).
// Create a task manager with one worker.
auto manager = Task::Module::makeManager(1);
// Add a new task and get its future.
auto future = manager.push([] { return 42; });
// Get the result from the future and print it.
std::cout << future.get() << std::endl; // Prints 42
// Not necessary here, but the stop method ensures that all launched tasks have been executed.

In the above example if we were to push more tasks, only one at a time would be executed as the manager has only one worker assigned.

###### Scheduler

// Create the thread pool with the initial number of threads (2 here).
// Create a scheduler with one worker.
auto scheduler = Task::Module::makeScheduler(1);
// Declare the variable n.
size_t n = 0;
// Add new tasks and get the future.
auto future = scheduler.scheduleIn("Task1", 2s, [&n] { n++; });
scheduler.scheduleIn("Task2", 1s, [&n] { n = 41 });
// Get the future and print the updated value.
std::cout << n << std::endl; // Prints 42
// Not necessary here, but the stop method ensures that all the scheduled tasks have been executed.

The same note applies for the scheduler regarding the number of associated workers. Also an identifier ("TaskX") is provided so that periodic tasks could be removed.